ゴキブリの糞の形状 : 2.家住性ゴキブリ5種における餌材と糞の粘性との関係
- 論文の詳細を見る
Viscosity of cockroach feces was peculiar to the cockroach species, no matter what kinds of foods consumed. The brown-banded cockroach, Periplaneta brunnea and the Japanese cockroach, P. japonica deposit solid feces on the floor of the test arena when they fed on mayonnaise, yogurt, condensed milk, banana or fermented soybean (Nattou). The feces of the smoky-brown cockroach, P. fuliginosa, the American cockroach, P. americana and the German cockroach, Blattella germanica tends to stick to the filter papers when they feed on the same above-mentioned foods. The feces of the latter three species has tendency to stick on the surfaces of filter papers. There were many feces when they fed on fiber-rich foods, such as banana or fermented soybean (Nattou) compared with being fed non-fiber foods. When they fed on water only, the feces were small and distorted.
- 日本ペストロジー学会の論文
- 2006-06-30
田原 雄一郎
田原 雄一郎
田原 雄一郎
田原 雄一郎
Fuji Environmental Service Inc.
平尾 和也
高橋 知代
望月 香織
望月 香織
Tabaru Yuichiro
Fuji Environmental Service Co. Ltd.
- 家住性ならびに野外性ゴキブリ幼虫の飢えや渇きに対する耐性の違い
- クラフト紙,プラスチックフィルムならびにアーモンドに生じたゴキブリおよびハツカネズミの齧り跡の特徴
- 編集者への手紙
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