- 論文の詳細を見る
Kumano Kodo, inscribed on the World Heritage List in July 2004, is the pilgrimage road located in Mie, Nara, and Wakayama Prefectures, Japan. The target of this study is to reveal the aquatic environment in Ise-Ji (the Ise Route) which connects Shingu (Wakayama Pref.) to Ise (Mie Pref.). The survey items were pH, water temperature, electric conductivity (EC), transparency, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD_5), nutrients, heavy metal ions, inorganic dissolved ions, alkalinity (pH 4.8) and acidity (pH 8.3). The investigation was conducted at eleven sampling points from May to December in 2004. The annual averages of pH, DO and BOD_5 at the eleven sites were 6.4-6.9, 9.37-10.6mg O_2 L^<-1> and 0.5-2.0mg O_2 L^<-1>, respectively. The concentrations of NH_4^+-N, NO_3^--N and PO_4^<3-> ranged from 25 to 176μg N L^<-1>, 20 to 244μg N L^<-1> and 12 to 74μg PO_4^<3-> L^<-1>, respectively and NO_2^--N was below the detection limit. The concentrations of NO_3^--N and PO_4^<3-> were the lowest in Mie Prefecture and were for the most part lower than the average or the median values in stream water in Japan. The study area was highly affected by sea salts and 41-88% of Na^+ in natural water was brought from wind blown sea spray by calculation. The concentrations of inorganic ions in this area were lower than average in Japanese rivers. The concentrations of heavy metal ions in all samples were below the detection limits. The water composition characteristics in study area were classified into 3 categories by hexa-diagrams; the 7 sites located in the coastal area were NaCl type related to high sea salt intrusion, the 2 sites located in the inland area were NaHCO_3 type related to chemical weathering, and one site fell into a middle valuation between NaCl type and NaHCO_3 type.
- 2008-02-05
青野 求
浅岡 聡
畑野 祥久
畑野 祥久
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