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This paper aims to explore the bond scheme proposals which were presented not long before the MacSharry reform of 1992. The MacSharry reform of 1992 was a historic watershed for the Common Agricultural Policy in the European Union. It completed the significant shift from price support to direct aid which compensated farmers for income loss by a radical price cut. At that time its mechanism was called as the introduction of the permanent compensatory aid. Therefore, first, this paper briefly outlines the features of the above mentioned transformation process. Second, it focuses on Tangermann's bond scheme proposal of November 1990 and the Danish bond scheme proposal of November 1991 for three arable crops (cereals, oilseeds and protein crops) and examines their processes and contents. They were considered as 'full' decoupling from production and land use. They too early appeared to be well understood, because the Commission of the European Communities was already preoccupied with the arable area and headage payments as 'partial' decoupling and the Council of Agriculture Ministers did not opt for the Danish alternative to the Commission's proposal.
- 千葉大学の論文
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