- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper aims to explore the contents and features of the current bond scheme proposal and the relationship between the above mentioned proposal and the new decoupled payments under the Fischler reform of 2003. Following the Agenda 2000 reform of 1999, the Fischler reform of 2003 advanced the further decoupled support from agricultural production. Its main feature is called as the Single Payment Scheme. This scheme embraces cereals, oilseeds, protein crops, beef, sheep, dairy, olive oil, tobacco, cotton and sugar. It is the non-product-specific direct payments. As a result, the policy distance between the Fischler reform and the bond scheme proposal came to be considerably diminished. It seems unlikely that the new Single Payment Scheme would be the last step in CAP reform. Finally, this paper reflects the merits of the current bond scheme proposal and shows its prospect in the near future. If the current bond scheme proposal is adopted, it will fully eliminate the interference of decision making within farm and release the entrepreneurial potential of farmers.
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