- 論文の詳細を見る
There is a critical dissociation between the philosophical ontology such as those of Heidegger and Nishida and the ontology behind the natural sciences. In order to dissolve the problem, it is important not to be biased toward one side or the other of the two. If we consider the philosophical ontology to be one pole of the discussion, we need another pole, which may be called 'ontological science', to study the basis of the philosophical ontology from a scientific point of view. Ontological science will study the physiological and psychological mechanisms behind the conceptual actuality of 'being' meant by philosophers such as Heidegger and Nishida. Because these two poles stand against each other, they cannot be merged into a single solution easily. At present, however, we should recognize the significance of the both poles and try to solve the discrepancy between the ontology on one side and that on the other by circularly going around these two poles of the study, since we cannot tell which pole is more basic than the other simply from the philosophical point of view. For that reason, we should establish ontological science. Ontological science will play an important role in the progress of the modern ontology from the side of natural sciences, where 'being' has not been considered a topic of study so far.
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