市民社会における人間論の基礎 : ルソーの徳の概念に関する試論
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Virtue, together with conscience, liberty and general will, is a concept central to the thought of Rousseau; the issue is repeatedly discussed in his many works. The first characteristic of Rousseau's concept of virtue lies in its emphasizing the independence of will - the denial and transcending of the self, among other things - amid the tragic situation that civilized man has placed in: the situation in which the self is lost through the consummation of passion. The second characteristic lies in Rousseau maintaining that a system's potential of making virtuous citizens is the criteria in discussing the ligitimacy of a social system. This is based on his idea that citizens who endeavor to be virtuous merit a system which can produce virtuous citizens. One of the qualities of an ideal system, Rousseau maintains, is the relative simplicity of customs and the non-existence of indulgence. As seen above, Rousseau considers the Issue of virtue from two sides: the creating of a virtuous human model, and the reformation of social systems. His goal, at the level of the individual citizen, is the individual's recovery of virtue, and the level of the state is the recovery of the "patrie", "patrie" being a state in which the relationship between individual and the state is ordered, and in which citizens cherish law and justice. In reality, however, a state which merits being called a "patrie" does not exist. Still Rousseau maintains that human development is impossible without a system. Thus, even in a situation where "patrie" is non-existent, he creates a citizen that endeavors to be virtuous, Emile. And the more Emile, or any citizen for that matter, tries to be virtuous in society, the more critical of the society he is forced to become. As seen, Rousseau's concept of virtue demands 1) the reassessment or the relativizing of the principle on which social systems are constructed, and 2) the individual's exercizing of virtue in everyday life which sharing with his fellow citizens, an awareness regarding the relationship between the individual and the universal.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
- 学習ツールとしてのアクティビティの体系化に関する基礎的研究(教育政策研究:哲学,比較,開発)
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- 市民社会における人間論の基礎 : ルソーの徳の概念に関する試論
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- 渡部淳・獲得型教育研究会編, 『学びへのウォーミングアップ70の技法』, 旬報社, 2011年発行, 2415円(税込)