1980年代アメリカ教育改革論議と伝統主義教育思想(1) : 教育におけるエクセレンス概念の把握をめぐって
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The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of Traditionalism in education over the Great School Debate in the 1980s in the United States. As the first part of the study, this paper aims to clarify the meaning and definition of excellence as an educational goal. And it will develop a conceptual framework to consider the position and trends of the current educational reform movement: the "excellence movement," and the debate about it (the Great School Debate), in the United States. Between 1982 and 1985 lots of reports on the state of the nation's schools were issued in the United States. They emanated from diverse sources: the federal government and its agencies, state governments and their agencies, various private philanthropic organizations, business interests, testing organizations, and individuals. It is not too much to say that, in the 1980s, there has never been more spirited controversy about what schools should do in the history of American education. The key term of the current educational reform movement and the debate on it is the concept of excellence which is an ambiguous and underfined word. American people seems to be favorably disposed towards excellence in education. But it is used uncritically as an emotive slogan to support and justify practically any change, any reform, and any criticism of present educational policy. The author of this paper tries to clarify the conceptions of excellence and to develop a conceptual framework of it, from following four points of view: 1. To examine what kind of conceptions of educational excellence the commission and individual reports for educational reform adopt. 2. To examine the discussion and criticism about the conceptions of the reports. 3. To examine some conceptual frameworks of educational excellence which educational philosophers attempt to develop. 4. To examine the conceptions of educational excellence which developed in the discipline-centered education after the Russian's success in launching Sputnik in 1957. It is given as a conclusion that there are two conceptions of excellence in education. The first conception means seeking to educate everyone to the limit of his or her ability and pursuing the development of human diverse potentiality at all levels. This conception is the characteristic of the 1960s'. The second conception of excellence in education means the attainment of academic and intellectual standards, basic skills, and a common core curriculum which is measurable by the minimum competency tests. This is the typical conception of the 1980s.
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- 10.戦後教育研究の「失敗」について(5 ラウンドテーブル,発表要旨)
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- 1980年代アメリカ教育改革論議と伝統主義教育思想(1) : 教育におけるエクセレンス概念の把握をめぐって
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