The Underlying Structures of "It is[noun/adjective][a gerund phrase]"
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In English it is possible to say "It is hard to deceive me" and "It is hard deceiving me." The former expression using an infinitive is far more widely used than the latter using a gerund. However, the expression "It is no use crying over spilt milk" These constructions are generally called extraposition, and thus are treated in the same category. In this thesis, it will be revealed that the introductory IT in the construction with an infinitive is different in nature from that of a gerund. It will be also clarified that sentences with a noun phrase and a gerund are structurally different from those with an adjective and a gerund.
- 駒沢女子大学の論文
- 2004-12-24
駒沢女子大学 | 論文
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