地方版レッドデータブック作成における絶滅危惧植物の選定方法と必要な情報 : 牛久市レッドデータブックの試み(保全情報)
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Recently, local governments in Japan have published Red Data Books as a baseline for regional biodiversity management. However, these books often lack explicit criteria for selecting endangered species and the detailed information required for implementation of effective conservation programs. Considering these problems, we compiled a Red Data Book of endangered vascular plant species for Ushiku City, Ibaraki Prefecture, based on an objective approach. We also tried to infer practical measures required for conservation of each species described in the new book.
- 2009-05-30
- 地方版レッドデータブック作成における絶滅危惧植物の選定方法と必要な情報 : 牛久市レッドデータブックの試み(保全情報)
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