- 論文の詳細を見る
Generating and detection of an electromagnetic wave are possible for Millimeter Vector Network Analyzer used as VCO and a receiver from 8GHz to 1THz. Moreover, since frequency can change continuously mostly, ESR measurement can be performed on various frequencies. A cylindrical and a Fabry-Perot cavities are considered for application in a high sensitivity ESR spectrometer operating at millimeter wave frequencies. Cavity quality factors and resonant frequencies are measured using a vector network analyzer allowing for high fidelity characterization of cavity modes at millimeter wave frequencies. TE017 mode of an oversized cylindrical cavity was found to have an unloaded quality factor of 3000 at 93.14 GHz. On the other hand, Fabry-Perot cavity exhibited a quality factor on the order of 1000. High sensitivity millimeter wave ESR spectrometer wave developed using these cavities. High frequency EPR in DPPH and the jarosite were observed.
- 福井大学の論文
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