- 論文の詳細を見る
An recent increase of old age populations is remarkable, associated with the extension of average life span in Japan. The optimum nutrition control is indispensable for the aged whose various kinds of physiological fuctions are perceptibly lowed with againg. It is difficult to obtain highly reliable results in the nutrition survey for only short term in the case of the aged. Therefore, the extended survey was carried out as long period as 3 weeks for three old women who require a protection and live in a public old-age home located near Matsuyama city.The survey was concerned with a nutrition intake and the condition of their health.The result was as follows. (1)Physiological factor : A great difference was found in blood pressure among individuals. There are differences in amount and specific gravity of urine among individuals. The amount and the specific gravity are inversely correlated showing a correlation coefficient of r = -0.900. (2) Change in intake of nutrition with passage of time : the ratio of nutrition intake for three major elements was about 90%, decreased periodically with a cycle of 5-7 days, having a large difference among individuals. The fluctuation of the intake ratio tended to be high for energy element, compered with for protective element.The intake ratio with regard to meal content was high in staple food , having a little difference among individuals. A great difference was recognized in the intake ratio for dishes among individuals. There is almost no difference in eating between meals and pickles among individuals. (3) Period of time for survey : Change in nutrition intake become less with increasing the average day. Standard deviation and fluctuation coefficient of each nutrient elements taken for more than 7 days were almost constant.
- 松山東雲女子大学・松山東雲短期大学の論文
逸見 幾代
西原 伸江
中島 庄一
逸見 幾代
逸見 幾代
松浦 榮美
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