第四紀火山灰についての段階的 I RM獲得実験と三成分 I RMの熱消磁実験
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Paleomagnetic studies of widespread late Pleistocene tephras have been carried out in orderto construct geomagnetic charts for Japan in prehistoric times. Magnetic minerals containedin the welded tuff specimens are likely to be titanomagnetite and magnetite on the basis ofthe thermal demagnetization (ThD) results. Since ThD experiments were not performed onthe ash samples, it is not certain what magnetic minerals are in the ash samples. Progressiveacquisition of isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) and ThD of a three-component IRM,therefore, were investigated to identify the ferromagnetic mineral content in the ash samples.For the IRM experiments, one sample from each site was arbitrarily chosen after thepaleomagnetic measurements. Because they are unconsolidated and readily disintegrate, theash samples were held in plastic cubes, which melt at about 160 ℃. Synthetic specimens wereprepared using the ash samples and plaster of Paris for ThD of the induced IRM.The IRM acquisition experiments were carried out using a pulse magnetizer in magneticfields with intensities up to 3000 mT. A three-component IRM was produced by applying adifferent DC field (3000, 400, and 120 mT) to each of the three perpendicular axes of thespecimen with the pulse magnetizer.The acquisition and ThD curves of the IRM components for almost all the specimens showsimilar features (A-type). The smooth IRM acquisition curves rise steeply up to 100 mT, andreach saturation by 500 mT. The ThD of each IRM component is plotted separately in thedemagnetization diagram. The ThD curves show that the soft (<120 mT) coercivity fractionis the largest, and that the medium (120 to 400 mT) and hard (400 to 3000 mT) fractions are minor. The soft coercivity fraction was demagnetized smoothly to zero by 580 ℃, indicatingthat the specimens’magnetic mineralogy is also dominated by titanomagnetite and magnetite.The IRM acquisition curves for other some samples rise steeply at first but does not reachsaturation even in 3000 mT. The ThD curves show that the medium and hard fractionsexhibit evidences for unblocking of hematite at 680 ℃ (B-type), or unblocking of goethite at100 ℃ (C-type).
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