- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine the status of breast/cervical cancer screening behavior and health promotion behavior, and effect of a health educational program on middle-aged women. The subjects were 30 middle-aged women who attended the health educational program. The questionnaires covered consultation behavior, Health Promoting Life Style Profile(HPLPⅡ), and the attitude toward breast/cervical cancer screening before and after they attended the program. Original questionnaires were used for the first and third topics. The following results were obtained. 1. 90.0% of the middle-aged women have received medical examinations, 63.3% of the women have received breast and cervical cancer examinations, and 43.3% of the women have self-examined their breasts. 2. Breast self-examination performance was strongly associated with Health Responsibility attitude. 3. Concerning what the women felt about breast cancer examinations, the total number of women who agreed with the item “I have to have a check-up” was significantly higher after they attended the Program than before.
- 福井大学の論文
- 2007-12-11
- 親性育成のための基礎研究(2) : 青年期男女における乳幼児との継続接触体験の心理・生理・脳科学的指標による男女差の評価
- 親性育成のための基礎研究(1) : 青年期男女における乳幼児との継続接触体験の心理・生理・脳科学的指標による評価
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- 親性育成のための基礎研究(2) : 青年期男女における乳幼児との継続接触体験の心理・生理・脳科学的指標による男女差の評価
- 親性育成のための基礎研究(1) : 青年期男女における乳幼児との継続接触体験の心理・生理・脳科学的指標による評価
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