- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is a sequel to "Japanese Views on the English Revolution in the Meiji Era" (Publications of the Institute for Comparative Studies of Culture, Vol. 26, 1968). In the former paper, the fact that the knowledge of the English Revolution in Meiji Japan was an adaptation of the Whig interpretation of British history, which was about to be established as the orthodoxy in England then, to the Japanese political situation of the time was pointed out. In this paper, how the interpretation which laid stress on the religious aspects of the Revolution and regarded it as the "Puritan" Revolution was introduced to Japan is examined. It was Thomas Carlyle who propagated this view, but no influence of his can be found in Ekko Masujimas Eikoku Seikyoto Kiji (1889) (A History of the English Puritans), probably the first book on the Puritans in Japan. However, quite a few books and articles on Carlyle and his work were written in the 1890's, and in 1893 Kdrairu (Carlyle) by Hisashi Hirata was published by Minyusha as the first volume of The Twelve Greatest Writers in the World. These were the circumstances which surrounded Kanzo Uchimura, a famous Japanese independent Christian. In the final section of this paper, the change in his view on the Puritans and Oliver Cromwell seen in the two most outstanding events of his life - his refusal to pay homage to an Emperor's portrait in 1890 and his pacifism at the time of the Russo-Japanese War in 1903 - is observed and analysed.
- 東京女子大学の論文
- イギリスにおける「共和政」について
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- T・B・マコーリー断章(岩間徹教授退職記念)
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