米国と台湾海峡の対立 : 主な原因及び受益者
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Sino-US relations together with US policy on Taiwan can be considered as a special case in the historyof international relations. However, the US Taiwan policy exemplifies a common practice of American unilateral principles. On one hand, when WWII ended, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that Japanshould return Taiwan to China - one of the Allied Powers in the war. On the other hand, the US has been hindering Mainland China from obtaiing the ruling power on Taiwan throughout history and obstructing the Mainland Chinese government's seat in the United Nations in every possible way. On onehand, the US acknowledges that there is only one China that includes both sides of the Taiwan Strait. On the other hand, the US passed the Taiwan Relations Act after it had established a formal diplomaticrelationship with Mainland China, not fully accepting the fact that the communist government had continuouslycontrolled the majority of Chinese and the mainland for such a long period of time, and ignoring China's sovereignty over Taiwan. On one hand, the US urges two sides of the Taiwan Strait over and over that reunification should be realized peacefully, avoiding armed conflict. On the other hand,the US continuously sells arms to Taiwan, and also carries on the military conferences and exercises with Taiwan. Many scholars in the field have interpreted the US Taiwan policy from perspectives of history,principles of national interests or national strategy, and theories of hegemony or balance of power, describing US Taiwan policy as "democratic", "moral and just" or "ambiguous" strategy. This article,based on the interpretation of the US attitudes towards and actions on Taiwan issue since WWII, the American way of its functioning in the world, and their beliefs and ideals from the perspectives of internationallaw, logic and ideology, argues that US Taiwan policy is a typical practice of unilateralism supported by its own interests, ambition, and beliefs. The US is the principal cause and main beneficiary ofthe fait accompli of the Taiwan Strait.
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