O502 ササ稈の酸加水分解(セッション5:技術〜生物変換・水熱〜,口頭発表)
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Xylitol has received great attention in the food and pharmaceutical industries because of its low caloric value and antiicariogenic property. First we examined the preparation of xylose from the culm of Chisimazasa (Sasa kurilensis), an important forest biomass in Hokkaido. The ground culms (42-80 mesh) were hydrolyzed with dilute sulfuric acid at 121℃ for 1 h. In the range of sulfuric acid concentration studied (0.25 to 4.0%), the recovery yield of solubilized sugars increased with increasing sulfuric acid concentration. However, when the substrate was hydrolyzed with 4% sulfuric acid, the resulting hydrolysate contained significant amount of glucose (corresponding to 60% of solubilised sugar) originated mainly from cellulose. On the other hand, 98% xylan could be recovered as _D-xylose (corresponding to about 75% of solubilized sugar) by hydrolysis of the substrate with 2% sulfuric acid. The optimum sulfuric acid concentration was, therefore, considered to be 2%. It is well known that furfural and low molecular phenols generate from hemicellulose and lignin in the substrate, respectively, during hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials at elevated temperatures. These substances are toxic to microorganisms and inhibit the fermentation of _D-xylos to xylitol by certain yeast species. The use of activated char was efficient in removal of these inhibitors from the hydrolysate.
- 2009-01-13
青山 政和
三浦 雅弘
青山 政和
酒井 能力
中原 正博
島畑 淳史
三浦 雅弘
青山 政和
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