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海老井英次教授退官記念号〈Special Issue〉dedicated to Professor EBII EijiI am researching "insanity" and its symbolism in literary texts. In this paper, I will look at this symbolism in Takeda Taijun's <Fuji>. This story is set in a mental hospital. Several mental patients, exhibiting varying characteristics, as well as two doctors make their entrances, and a number of incidents occur. "Insanity" is unique in that it is a "disease" not recognizable by the "insane" themselves but only determined in other people's eyes. The borderline between "sanity" and "insanity" is not absolute. Rather, its interpretation is dependent on period, place, and circumstance. This raises many questions and these make up the premise or center of my argument in researching "insanity" and its symbolism.
- 九州大学の論文