- 論文の詳細を見る
In December 1978, the Economic Reform and Open-door Policy was introduced in China, one of the rapidly developing socialist countries. The aim of this policy was to expand production capacity under existing production mechanisms. With the introduction of the concept of `the primary stage of socialism' and various types of company ownership, the shift to a market economy has advanced over time. China has attained high economic growth during this time and foreign trade volume has become the third largest in the world. Direct investment by foreign companies has played a signifi cant role in this growth. However, the income gaps between coastal areas (where foreign companies have accumulated) and inland areas and between urban areas and rural areas have grown and continue to do so at a high rate. This has led to improved essential services, such as education, medical treatment, and pension provision, which have hitherto been lacking in farm villages, and has created a situation where more than 200 million `farm laborers' work away from home. The government should consider taking steps to tackle the so-called `three problems' facing agriculture, villages, and farmers, with three potential solutions: increasing farmers' incomes, improving living environment in rural areas, and improving farming technology.
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