- 論文の詳細を見る
In the axial zone of Hokkaido, there are three belts of basic effusive rocks which are inferred to be upper Jurassic in age. The basic rocks have been altogether called schalstein until now. However, the term Schalstein for these rocks is ambiguous. The writer has clarified that the rocks consist of a complex of spilite and diabase according to the result of his survey in the area. That is, the rock s comprise normal spilite, finegraind diabase, mediumgraind diabase, spilitic porphyrite, coarsegraind diabase, spilitic or diabasic tuffs, and low-grade metamorphic rocks. It is concluded that application of the term is not suitable, and consequently , the rocks should de called spilitic rocks or a spilitediabase association.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1963-05-25
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