大学生のライフスタイル,飲酒または薬物使用,および犯罪被害の有無 : ルーティーンアクティビティの視点から(前野育三教授退任記念論集)
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Although there is a long tradition of research on college drinking, the association between college drinking and victimization has been largely ignored. The age-curve for crime suggests that people in their late teens and early twenties have high rates of crime. Thus, college students are very likely to experience victimization events. My colleague and I conducted a web-survey of undergraduate students at a major U.S. university in a western state to determine the prevalence of substance use and victimization. We asked questions about students' daily habits and overall college experience in the previous semester including academic performance, criminal behavior, and victimization. My central concerns are how a student's lifestyle affects the level of alcohol and drug involvement and criminal victimization, and how substance use affects victimization. This study is designed to help understand the unique aspects of the students' experiences and the impact of alcohol on other areas of the students' lives. The results indicate that social opportunity, particularly party participation, affects substance use. Among social control variables, affiliation with the Greek system has a significant effect on substance use. Partying and alcohol consumption, or affiliation with the Greek system and alcohol consumption, which are highly correlated, have a significant impact on being victimized for women, but not for men. This is especially true for violent crime.
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