九州産さしすぎの品種別造林試験 : 予報
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This is a report on the stand set up made for the purpose of the planting and growthtest of the native races of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don as shown in Table 2, at the Kasuya Instruction Forest attached to Kyushu University, in April, 1958, and it is a trial of setting up of the stand on the experimental basis as the preparation for the test scheduled for the next time and as an indicator of the afforestation work. This report outlines the conditions of the test stand and the method and plan of the test. 1. The native races of Cryptomeria japonica are as given in Table 2. 2. The conditions of the test stand are as described in Section II. 3. Method of testing: The test of the growth of the native races is intended, in which comparative studies will be made between the mother trees for cutting and non-cutting, and the study of effect of fertilization on the races will be made.I 緒言 II 試験地の概略 III 供試材料 IV 調査事項及び方法 V 摘要 VI 引用文献 Resume
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- 九州産さしすぎの品種別造林試験 : 予報
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