- 論文の詳細を見る
The first purpose of this paper is to reconsider the notion of body schema, which was proposed by H. Head at the beginning of the last century. This notion was epoch-making in the field of mind-body theory, because it showed human body could not be thought separated from the consciousness. We examine the classic works of M. Merleau-Ponty and P. Schilder on body schema to reconsider this point. The second is to introduce my new notion, 'Imaginal Body', as a revised one of body schema. Considering the relation between body schema and our everyday dreams, we will notice that the body schema has an unconscious and impersonal dimension. Body schema is not something fixed nor individual but flowing and collective. By this new notion, I want to show that our living body is not a material substance as is thought in the modern science, but it is something personal and impersonal, material and imaginal.
- 2001-05-31
- 身体図式からイマジナル・ボディへ
- 気について
- 第5回年次大会風景
- 科学・人間性・倫理(その2)
- 科学・人間性・倫理(その1)
- 人体科学の将来を考える : 科学方法論と無意識の心理学
- 人体科学の歴史と展望
- ある女性臨死体験者の心理的体験の記録(2)
- ある女性臨死体験者の心理的体験の記録(1)
- 気について
- 世界の伝統医学-5-気功学の身体観
- 臨死体験の討論をめぐる考察
- 張震寰先生を悼む(海外事情)
- 中国の気功研究の状況(海外事情)
- 玉城康四郎著, 『仏道探求』, 春秋社 / 玉城康四郎著, 『悟りと解脱』, 法蔵館(会員著作紹介)
- 無動機殺人について(会員投稿,人体科学会の活動:2000)