- 論文の詳細を見る
Introducing briefly two conflicting opinions of near-death experience: (1) the phenomenon within brain and (2) the phenomenon of real experience, it clears that two facts are the keypoint for scientific understanding: 1) lack of oxgen in blood of brain causes increase in the secretion of narcotic material, 2) a human being who experienced the near-death evolves in the high probability to the one having a high level abilities. Since c is related to One Dimensional View of Material and (2) to One Dimensional View of Spirit, there is shown that (1) and (2) can't be solved without recomposing those old paradaigms of philosophy and The Dialectic One Dimensional Theory of Material-Spirit is able to answer this claim that was previously proposed by the authors. On this base, in solving (1) and (2) by connecting the nonequiliarium thermodynamics, there is found the basic mechanism of bearing the high level consciousness in which a consciousness in the brain is elevating its energy revel due to the sffect of a series of biochemical reactions, then generating Qi, the consciousness in the brain converts his phase to another one when its energy level is over some trigger value. At the same time, there is insight that the high level consciousness probably forms an autonomic scheme of energy-information composed of seven layers analogous to material world by repeating small cycles of degeneration and evolution.
- 1999-05-31
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