1931年の洪水災害とその救済活動 : 湖北・安徽・河南3省の事例を中心に(招聘論文)
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This article analyzes a social history of the natural disaster. In the summer of 1931 the huge disaster occured in areas along Chang jiang river in Hubei province and areas along Huanghe and Huaihe river in Henan and Anhui provinces. We analyze this case history. How were the supporting works and the relief activities for the sufferers carried out? How about the effects? How was the long-term reconstruction of affected areas carried out? How was the affected society changed? What kind of problems occurred in the process of reconstruction? To what extent did the Chinese government fulfill its responsibility to carry out the reconstruction works? Then, was there any intentional action in advance by Nationalist government before the disaster occured? Our conclusion is as follows; both the central and the local government foreknew the outbreak of the disaster but they did not take positive preventive measures against the disaster. That was a long-term stagnation in improving irrigation systems. We guess it invited the serious results. Furthermore, when the huge disaster occured in 1931, China was extremely placed in the quite difficult circumstances both in international and domestic. It blocked rapid activities for the restoration.
- 2008-03-31
- 1931年の洪水災害とその救済活動 : 湖北・安徽・河南3省の事例を中心に(招聘論文)
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