久布白落実(くぶしろおちみ)の性教育論をめぐって : 『婦人新報』における1930年代の論稿を中心に(浅野仁教授退職記念号)
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KUBUSHIRO Ochimi, a member of the Japan Women's Chiristian Temperance Union (JWCTU) since 1916, was one of the women activists who worked toward abolishing the licensed prostitution system in Japan. Even before joining JWCTU, she recognized the importance of sex education for both males and females of all ages. KUBOSHIRO's views on sex education w3ere greatly influenced by her 1935 visit to the United States to learn about possible measures to take after abolishing the licensed prostitution system in Japan. She believed that sex education was a lifelong learning proces to teach both biological and moral perspectives on sex. In particular, she emphasized the importance of 'moral purity' for both men and women, which did not necessarily mean abstinence. Overall, her idea was not well accepted by her critics because of its conservative notions. However, her view of 'moral purity' as a way to eradicate gender inequality was considered progressive in her days. To this day, there have been few studies on KUBUSHIRO's sex education. Historiography based on archival reseach mainly on JWCTU's newsletters, Fujin Shinpo, was conducted to document and clarify her views on sex education.
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