ネパールにおける女子の基礎教育参加の課題 : ジェンダーの視点から
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The Dakar Education for All (EFA) Framework for Action includes Gender Equality in Education as one of its six time-bound goals. "Gender" being regarded as its transverse theme, the Dakar EFA agreement pays special attention to girls and women in other EFA goals as well. The first time-bound goal of gender parity in primary and secondary education by 2005 was, however, not met by many developing countries, including Nepal. Why they missed the 2005 goal? What are the obstacles for gender parity and equality in education? This article intends to respond to these and other pertinent questions in order to achieve Gender Equality in Education by 2015. In doing so, it stresses the urgent need for evidence/research-based policy development based on wider consultations among all stakeholders including policy makers, teachers/practitioners and researchers. It also emphasizes the importance of scaling up "girls' education" through gender mainstreaming in education. Concretely, this article reviews and analyzes Nepal's policy to increase girls' participation in education with reference to the field research on female teachers and the Basic and Primary Education Programme Gender Audit. Future agenda and perspectives for Gender Equality in Education are also discussed from the viewpoint of international cooperation in education.
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