ヴァージニア・ウルフの嫉妬 : V・ウルフとK・マンスフィールド
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Although Virginia Woolf confessed more than once in her diary that she was jealous of Katherine Mansfield, we are likely to be perplexed by this confession, besides which, few critics have ever thought much of it. Presumably the reason for that is that Woolf is now acclaimed as a great feminist writer, while Mansfield is viewed as a minor author of short fictions. Yet it is a fact that there was severe rivalry between them. Woolf both loved and hated Mansfield, her rival, and their complicated and troubled friendship had more than a little influence upon Woolfs writing. This paper attempts to study their love-hate relationship, and to reassess Mansfield's influence upon Woolf. Firstly, I would like to prove that their early friendship encouraged them to write their first experimental novels. Secondly, I am going to look at Woolf's obsession with Mansfield. After Mansfield died, Woolf wrote many novels whose settings were similar to those of Mansfield's, and create characters based on Mansfield herself. Thirdly, I will delve into the Mansfield's myth that depicts her as a new woman artist who dared to disregard decorum, to take adventures. Woolf was fascinated with the myth, and consequently, it had a strong effect upon her feminist essays such as "Women and Fiction" or A Room One's Own. In a conclusion, I would like to assert that Woolf needed Mansfield as "an ice-breaking vessel."
- 日本ヴァージニア・ウルフ協会の論文
- 1995-09-30
日本ヴァージニア・ウルフ協会 | 論文
- Brenda R. Silver, Virginia Woolf Icon, University of Chicago Press, 1999
- 両性具有と"a playpoem" : 『波』における詩的言語
- Thomas C. Caramagno, The Flight of the Mind: Virginia Woolf's Art and Manic-Depressive Illness, University of California Press, 1992
- The Yearsにおける言葉と沈黙
- ウルフとジョイスについての覚書(2) : モダニズム小説の原点を探る