看護学教育における感受性育成のためのひとつの試み : 死について語る
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The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to foster ethical sensitivity among nursing students. Nurses and nursing students face many moral and bioethical problems in clinical practice. The development of ethical sensitivity in nursing students has paralleled the development of nursing as a profession. The subjects (n=19) were students who entered the Training Course for High School Teachers of Nursing Faculty at Hirosaki University Japan in 1999. The method of this experience of death with people in their immediate circle while a small number of students had experiences of great impact. Some students were very sympathetic to the experiences of others and felt the experiences of their counterparts as their own experiences. The discussions about death were meaningful for the students. They are well motivated to be nurses in the future and therefone had to think about many kinds of death first person death, that is their own death, second person death, that is death of their relatives, and had no other choice but to be involved in many third persons deaths. They thought seriously about how to take third persons deaths and the discussion contained the essential points concerning what "death" is and "deaths of the first, second, and third persons." The discussions had a favorable impact on the students and motivated them to think more deeply about death. In concusion, discussions about death help to raise the ethical sensitivity of students.
- 2002-11-10
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