- 論文の詳細を見る
This presentation considers three aspects by which an understanding of Japanese patient psychology can improve medical practice in Japan. (1) Recent advances in holistic and psychosomatic medicine illustrate that patients' psychology can influence medical outcomes. While it has long been common knowledge that bodily conditions influence mental moods, the burgeoning new field of psychoneuroimmunology is demonstrating that mental attitudes and emotions influence illness and health. The commonest stress-related ailments in Japan, from ulcers and high blood pressure to eczema and stiff shoulders, can be significantly alleviated by psychosomatic medical techniques such as relaxation and biofeedback. (2) The psychology of Japanese patients differs in many respects from that of Americans. For example, Japanese rarely strive to participate actively in their own healing processes, express individual decisions in writing, write living wills or advance directives, or consider themselves equal in status to their physicians. Given such deep-rooted cultural differences, even their best attempts to imitate Western medical practices encounter many difficultes. This section considers more suitable ways of counseling Japanese chronic and terminal patients based on their cultural expectations. (3) Similarly, the spread of bioethics has been closely linked to Western conceptions like full disclosure of information, second opinions, third-party review boards, and the legitimacy of whistle-blowing. The social hierarchies of Japanese hospitals render such practices counterproductive if not impossible. In the care of Japanese patients, mutual understanding based on discussion and family participation in decision-making produce far higher trust and satisfaction than information disclosure. This suggests that Japanese develop their own ideals and conceptions of bioethics based on their own cultual goals and assumptions.
- 日本医学哲学・倫理学会の論文
- 1997-09-20
- 超常現象の「科学化」
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- 祈りの研究(祈り)
- 第七十七回 仏教文化講演会記録 日本人の死生観と超越 (創設五十周年記念特集号)
- 日本人の死生観と癒し(市民公開講座,第23回日本精神保健看護学会学術集会)