医師の立場から(シンポジウム 医学教育における哲学の在り方,<特集>医学教育における哲学)
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The paper discusses the image of an ideal physician, and also mentions how such physicians may be nurtured. Ideal physicians are expected not only to listen carefully to what patients and their family members have to tell them but to give them hope, to pray for them and to face them with integrity. Further, they need to have deep insight about themselves, know their own limitations well, and at the same time should be able to maintain reason and conscience in their approach to patients. The above has to do with ones' attitude as physicians, or a character question visa-vis their becoming ideal physicians. Naturally, any good physician must be one who is knowledgeable and equipped with good technical skills in the field concerned. In rearing ideal physicians, the following points need to be taken into account: 1) Physicians are expected to treasure even 'negative events' they have had in their own personal history such as their own experience of becoming sick, similar cases, including the deaths, of family members, the days of disappointment / frustration and to remember them as they face patients; 2) During their freshman and sophomore years at medical college, they should be exposed to opportunities of directly meeting the sick and the disabled; 3) It is recommended that they take part in rope playing featuring moot ethics committee, medical courts, and others.
- 日本医学哲学・倫理学会の論文
- 1994-10-01
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