仏教は生命をどう見るか : 脳死・臓器移植をめぐって思うこと
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It seems that there are two pairs of standpoints from which people observe the issues of life today. The first one is to grasp life as a matter of either quantity or quality. The second one is to consider the issues of life based on either the human-centered view or the nature-centered view. One of the views which grasps life as a matter of quantity is the biological view of life. It recognizes the value in the length and strength of life. Today's medical technique which puts supreme value on the prolongation of human life can be placed in this category. On the other hand, one of the views which see life as a matter of quality is the person-centered view of life. It recognizes the value and the dignity of life in its degree of maturity. This view, seeks the way in which human beings enrich and mature their lives. Traditional religions and ethics basically take this position. Today, these two standpoints come into keen confrontation with each other, as modern medical techniques make rapid progress. For example, today's medical technique makes it possible to control life itself. However, here a new and controversial problem comes out; that is, whether or not the prolongation of life takes precedence over the dignity of human life. In other words, this confrontation requires us to establish a new bioethics. As to the human-centered and the nature-centered views, the former basically sees a distinctive difference between the life of other creatures and that of human beings. In obedience to human desire, it aims at conquering and ruling nature. Today's scientific technology can be placed in this category. On the other hand, the nature-centered view sees the equality of all lives, for all lives equally possess sanctity. Furthermore, this view recognizes the mutual dependence of all lives, including animals and plants. The Buddhist view of life can be placed in this category. Although modern scientific technology has elevated the standard of living, it has also caused the destruction of nature. Here another controversial problem emerges; that is, whether or not satisfying human desires takes precedence over the sanctity of life and nature. This problem requires us to establish new environmental ethics. If we merely stand on either the biological view of life or the person-centered view of life, we understand life in utilitarian terms and do not realize the intrinsic meaning of life. To establish both the new bioethics and environmental ethics, we should regard the standpoint which sees life as a matter of quality and the nature-centered view as important. If human beings do something because they have the technique to do it, it may lead them to a self-destructive end. I believe that human beings should have a modest attitude toward life and nature.
- 日本医学哲学・倫理学会の論文
- 1993-10-01
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