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This study investigated developmental changes in children's beliefs about the effects of environment, heredity, and intention as determinants of the formation of psychological and physical characteristics. 120 children from 2nd to 6th grades engaged in a revised switched-at-birth task. As for psychological characteristics (kindness, smartness), we generally found that children thought that nurture is a more dominant determinant of kindness. In particular, 4th graders begin to recognize that while nature has little effect on smartness, intention does have relatively powerful effects on smartness. On the other hand, children in all grades believed that physical characteristics are strongly determined by nature. Further analyses on children's beliefs about the relative influences of environment, heredity, and intention revealed that 2nd to 4th graders, if prompted to think more, could come up with more than one factor as determinants of psychological and physical characteristics. This might suggest that it would be difficult for them to think of multiple factors spontaneously.
- 九州大学の論文
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