- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study to investigate the status of the activities involved in the swimming classes at Keio University. We investigated 152 students by a self reported questionnaire. The results were summarized as follows: 1) Seventy-three percent of students surveyed were able to swim distances of over 100m. 2) Fifty-seven percent of students surveyed were able to swim distances of over 25m, Using 4 different types of swimming styles. 3) The styles with which students could swim distances over 25m were the crawlstroke (96.7%) and breaststroke (94.1%). 4) Eighty-three percent of the students surveyed could swim the crawlstroke, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterflystroke, but were unable to swim in any other style such as the Yokooyogi and Tachioyogi. Which are both traditional styles of Japanese swimming. 5) Most of the students who could swim over 100m did not feel anxious about the swimming class. 6) The curriculum of the swimming classes, which basically was structured according to the interests involved, included instruction in the improvement of swimming technique, in the rules and methods of playing water polo and in survival swimming.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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