水泳授業中の事故に関する一考察 : 逆飛込み事故の原因とその指導法について
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Many accidents, striking the head against the bottom of pool, occured under the practice of diving for competitive-swimming in swimming class at school. And many suits of demanding compensation for damages are sued from the injured of those accidents. According to the precedent, the errors of teachers indicated what there was few suitable instruction and explanation about danger of diving in their coaching. As period, the starting-form of competitive-swimming was improved, therefore the records of competitive-swimming improved. However, for unskilled students, there are very dangerous factors in recent startig-form. Recent starting-form named "Pike-start" is more dangerous for practice of diving in shallow pool as going underwater too deep compared to old-form "Motion-start". The issue is which form Pike or Motion, teachers choose, when they coach the skill of diving. According to the explanation of the teacher in this precedent, it became clear that the starting-form he coached was no-splash diving. However, he didn't show the diving himself, in that class. They were members of swimming club and other skilled students who showed the example of diving. In this matter, I think, that diving-form in this case was near form of Pike-start possibly. And his coaching was upon words and body-actions only about body-position from taking-off the starting block to entry into water, standing at pool-side. But he didn't coach next body-position in the water. It is the most important factor of diving accidents that the body position in the water is right or wrong. There is few account about this body position in every coaching books and the guidebook of the Ministry of Education. According to the course of study swimming of the Ministry of Education, the diving has been included on the curriculums of school year fifth grade. However, the pools of most schools in Japan is too shallow to try diving practice (they are from 0.8 meters to 1.5 meters depth). It is a important problem to make the guideline to include the diving into the curriculum without thinking this point over. It is desired to study the curriculum and coaching method again. If the diving is indispensable to swimming, the diving form is desired more safety and splashy motion-start.
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