- 論文の詳細を見る
1) The purpose of this study is to analyze the durability of jumping skills of volleyball players and to prove that there is a relation between durability of a player's jumping skills and his performance at games. Besides, by further analyzing the performance of individuals, this study aims to find knowhow to choose qualified players, how to change players effectively at game, and how to train skillful players. 2) To conduct this study, players with various levels of skills in volleyball were classified into three groups according to their levels ; Higher, Intermediary, and Lower, and they made continuous jumps in the similar conditions to those of games. 3) They made spike jumps and block jumps for 100 times in total, and the height of each jump was measured. -Results- 4) Although there were individual differences in the way a testee's showed changes in his jump during the first, second, and third stages of the test, those changes are classified into the following three patterns : a. The testee begins to jump lower in height at the first stage, but maintained a certain level at the second stage and onwards. b. The testee maintained the same level of height throughout the test. c. The testee simply kept lowering down in the height of his jumps throughout the test. 5) As a common phenomenon among the testees, there was less decline in block jumps than in spike jumps. 6) Testees in the Higher group consistently made higher jumps all through the test both in block and spike jumps, and they showed less decline in their jumps than the testees in other groups. 7) Testees in the Higher group showed less decline in block jumps at the second stage than those in the Intermediary group (p<0.05, p<0.01 respectively). -Conclusion- 8) The above results indicate that there is a relevance between durability of jumping skills and performances at games. This indication should serve as a useful data in choosing players at an actual game.
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