本塾入学生の体力測定結果の出身(塾内・塾外)・年齢・運動経験による違いと1年後の変化 : 昭和61・62・63年度入学生の体力測定の結果から
- 論文の詳細を見る
This research is based on the results of the measurement of physical strength which was carried out in P. E. classes during the school year of 1986 to 1988. It especially paid attention to each student's different life environment as follows ; whether his (or her) alma mater is one of Keio High Schools or not, age, whether he (or she) had any continual experience of an exercise before the entrance, and etc. Using above-mentioned points as standards, and classifying a number of students into groups, it was designed to examine concerning each groups' differences in the level of physical strength at the time of entrance and the change of physical strength in each groups that took place during the course of each year. Regarding the measured values of physical strength at the time of entrance and the different life environments before the entrance, by this point of view, consequently the followings had become evident as results: 1. The results obtained by comparing the differences of students' alma mater (a graduate of Keio or not) showed a tendency, without having a relation with whether a student has an experience of exercise or not, that the graduates of Keio were far better at the items such as "sidestep test" and "push ups" in the case of boys. For girls the result was different from those boys'. Every year, the graduates of Keio Girls High School tend to show good results in "standing trunk flection". Also the group of the graduates of Keio of 1988 who had showed very high marks in the measurement in most of the items comparing with other groups. 2. The results comparing the differences in age of the graduates other than Keio at the point of the entrance, there was a tendency that younger students showed good values in "vertical jump", "sidestep test", and "push ups", in boys, and "vertical jump" and "push ups" in girls in spite of having or not having an exercise experience. But the case of girls did not show as clearly as the boys' case. 3. The results comparing the differences of students doing or not doing continual exercises before the entrance evidently appeared in "vertical jump", "sidestep test", and "push ups" that the students who did showed good values in spite of their ages or alma mater. Examining the changes occurred in measured values of physical strength at the end of the freshman year, the followings have become evident. 4. Comparing and examining the changes in each groups' measured values of the first and the second test, the improvements were seen in "vertical jump" and "push ups" for boys, and in "push ups" for girls. Also when aimed at the differences of groups' change, for boys and girls who had high levels at the point of the entrance, the changes in the level of physical strength did not take place. For boys, in spite of having an experience of exercise or not, the groups of 19 and 20 in their ages showed more clear improvements than the group of 18. For girls, the improvement was not especially seen in the higher age groups. Like the results above, the relationship between the differences of physical strength at the time of entrance occurred by the different life environments and the changes in student's physical strength after the entrance is very interesting. Yoshimoto et al. reported "There seems to be a tendency that a person whoever possesses larger amount of exercises has more interest in sports and in will or interest for exercises." The differences of each student's willingness toward sports and activities affects for the differences in quality and quantity of activities that many activity clubs do. Therefore, it is essential and recommended to discuss in detail about inquiries of what exercises practiced after the entrance, and of what senses possessed which are related to activities, in addition to this topic.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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