長時間の強制運動が雌ラットの性周期に及ぼす影響 : 短期間の場合
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23 female Wister strain rats were used. 13 rats were assained to an exercise group and 10 rats were assained to a sedentally control group. The rats in the exercise group were trained to run on a treadmill for one hour regularly for 16 days at speed of 30 m/min. Body weights of the two groups were similar during the experiment period and no significantly different from one another. Dairy vaginal smear that revealed estrous cycles were extended diestrus period in the exercise group. As compare the weight of the uterus with the control and the exercise group, it can be noted that the weight of uterus in the exercise group were significantly light. And the weight of ovary in the exercise group were lighter than the control group, but not significant.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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- 長時間の強制運動が雌ラットの性周期に及ぼす影響 : 長期間の場合
- 長時間の強制運動が雌ラットの性周期に及ぼす影響 : 短期間の場合
- 42. タイミングテスターによる反応時間について (その2)
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- 慶応義塾大学(事例報告b),現状報告B,平成5年度大学体育指導者研修会(中央研修会))