- 論文の詳細を見る
The role of optic system, proprioceptive system and vestibular system in the maintenance of body balance were investigated by the stabilometer (NEC-SANEI, 1G06). The subject was requested to stand on the stabilometer with Romberg's posture and tested under the following five conditions: Test 1 was performed with eyes open. Test 2 was performed with eyes blindfolded to interrupt the visual information. Test 3 was performed to interrupt the proprioceptive sensation by standing on a thick sponge platform. Test 4 was performed with eyes blindfolded under the same condition as Test 3. Test 5 was performed to stand on one leg under the same condition as Test 1. The sway of the body's center of gravity was recorded for 60 seconds with X-Y recorder and processed by a personal computer program designed for stabilometry. The body sway observed in Test 2 and 3 were larger than Test 1, and Test 4 showed the most remarkable sway. From the results, it was proved quantitatively that the role of optic and proprioceptive control was useful for the body balance and not only the vestibular function but also the co-operation of the two system was especially necessary for the equilibrium of body.
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