バスケットボールの競技力構造の分析 : ソウル・オリンピック'88・男子チームについて
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the structure of game of basketball played in internation competion. Data for this study was obtained from official statistics of 1988 Seoul Olympic Men's Basketball games. Using the olympic statistics, the study attempted to analyze the important factors common among all of the participated teams. By using "Factor Analysis Method" four factors became evidant. They were (1) Fundamental offensive, (2) Three point field goal offensive, (3) Field goal offensive, and (4) Defensive aggressivenss factors. After further analysis of the above result, all of the teams fell into four major styles, by comparing two completely oppossite methods of play. For example, to determine the offensive style, teams with inside oriented offensive style were compared with outside oriented offensive teams. The four major playing styles were (1) Offensive type (FG or TPG), (2) High scoring type, (3) Control offensive type, and (4) Ball possesion ability type.
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