- 論文の詳細を見る
The Object of this paper is to seize the contents and organizations in workers' education that is lead by awareness of the repugnance between two theories, that is, "modern administration" and "democratic administration", "self-development" and "self-education". The theory of the administration in the behavior seience and of the administration of faciliticism define that workers are humanbeings who participate spontaneously in manegement of an enterprise by identifying the individual goal with the goal of an enterprise. Essentially, work carries out the function of self-development and self-formation. But actual labour loses the function compleatly, and is subordinate to the acquisition of surplus-value by capital and to the machine. The theory of the administration in behavior science is ideology which is wellgrounded by their desire to do a fuller job. Consequently, this ideology contains practical utility. Educational actions that is managed by trade union show a tendency to clarify conditions to carry out humanistic work as one of educational contents. In the case of organnization of edueational contents in workers' euvcation, one of the fundamental contents is to analyse the mode of production and management in the place of work. The education for workers managed by trade union must contain as well the learning of the mode of production and management in the place of work as the learning of the vocational thechnics and of the fundamental theory of social sciences. Then, the education of the vocational technics and of the fundamental social sciences can be usefully combinated.
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