- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigated the characteristics of physical fitness in elderly persons with habitual physical activity. 75 males and 77 females aged 65-74 years participated in this study. The subjects have worked out through physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day two or more times per week for one year or longer. We measured subjects' heights, body weights, grip strength, numbers of sit-ups they completed in 30 seconds, sitting trunk flexion, how well they could balance standing on one leg with eyes opened, how well they walked through a 10-meter obstacle course, and how far they walked in six minutes, and we compared these measurements to the mean values in the Japanese general population. There were no significant differences with the mean values of number of sit-ups completed in 30 seconds or sitting trunk flexion, irrespective of sex or age groups. The mean value of how well female subjects aged 65-69 years could balance standing on one leg was higher than that for the Japanese general population. Furthermore, measurements of grip strength showed remarkably high mean values in almost all age groups irrespective of sex. These results suggest that elderly persons working out through physical activity for thirty minutes or longer per day two or more times per week for one year or longer have higher levels of muscular strength relative to the same age groups in the Japanese general population.
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