多様化・国際化時代における小学校カリキュラムの意義と編成方法 : 小学校学習指導要領のインクルーシブ教育の視座からの分析を中心に(荒井聰子教授記念号)
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An unprecedented number of foreign students are enrolling in Japanese schools these days. Unfortunately, those foreign students have been reported to fail in academic achievement because their home culture is quite different from school culture. In Japan, few measures have been taken to ameliorate the condition by any government. In order to deal with those problems relating to the cultural minority students, I believe drastic measures are warranted for immediate improvement. One of the measures is to reexamine our school curriculum. School curricular is the fundamental principle to regulate the aim and content of learning in schools. This paper examines the Courses of Study for elementary education or national curriculum standards from the new perspective of "inclusive education". The concept of "inclusive education" was formed mainly in the field of education for the physically and mentally handicapped. However, according to recent literature, "inclusive education" is intended not only for handicapped students but also for students with special needs, such as cultural or linguistic minority students. The author's investigation into the previously published Courses of Study for elementary education clarifies that the concept of "inclusive education" is not implied in the Japanese education. The Japanese educational system had long kept the physically and mentally handicapped students segregated from general education, via Special Education. Those handicapped students were supposed to gradually adjust themselves to mainstream schools if they wish to study with other students. The same logic and rules are applied to foreign students. The Special Education system in Japan was converted to Special Needs Education in 2007. The Special Needs Education is planning to retain the concept of "inclusive education", although a revision to the Course of Study is anticipated soon with favorable modification to this inclusive notion.
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