- 論文の詳細を見る
Before the founding of Kyoto Mental Hospital in 1875 in the ground of Nanzenji-temple-the first mental hospital in Japan-, almost all mentally ill patients were taken care of at home, and if their conditions deteriorated to the point that they were a threat to others, they were confined to small cells. Some patients were taken by family members to visit temples and shrines rumored to heal the mentally ill, where they prayed to Buddha or a god for a cure. Daiunji-temple in Iwakura was one such place, and had enjoyed a good reputation for healing the mentally ill since the end of the 18th century. In Iwakura, families left their mentally ill more or less permanently at local farmers' houses (some called 'inns') where they helped with their foster families' farming and household chores. But how were they treated in Iwakura if they became a threat to others? They were fettered or confined to small cells in much the same way as elsewhere before the founding of Iwakura Mental Hospital in 1884. Iwakura was famous for receiving the mentally ill of noble families as well before the founding of the hospital. Where did these patients stay in Iwakura when they became a threat to others? In 2006, a prominent farmer's old house built in 1864 was renovated, revealing an attic surrounded by walls and having no entrance except a window. The window faced the garden of a neighbor who was one of the founders of Iwakura Mental Hospital, and the neighbor's house as well turned out to have an attic nearly inaccessible without a ladder. These attics did not face onto any street and passers-by could not see them. I suggest that the attics are most likely where mentally ill patients of noble families were kept when the patients' conditions were a threat to others.
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