A simple approach on mitigating the gray zone effect to improve throughput in IEEE802.11 based ad-hoc network (ネットワークシステム)
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In wireless ad-hoc networks, one of the reasons that increase the data packet loss rate is gray zone effect. The gray zone effect can happen when broadcasting control packets with lower rate while transmitting the data packets with such higher rate or the same PHY data rare. In this case, nodes are able to find valid routes but some data packets may not reach the destination, which causes the high packet loss rate. Most research efforts so far have attempted to modify the routing protocol to take the gray zone effect into consideration. This method, however, could have a detrimental performance owning to its high computational complexity. In this paper, by adjusting the suitable broadcast rate and data transmission rate, we can obtain high throughput than the original way. By simulations, we show that our novel approach can improve throughput significantly.
- 2009-01-15
Pham Nhy
Graduate School Of Engineering Kobe University
Ohta Chikara
Faculty Of Engineering Kobe University
Ohta Chikara
Faculty Of Engineering Gunma University:(present Address)university Of Tokushima
Kato Yusuke
Graduate School Of Engineering Kobe University
Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University
DIAO Yiyuan
Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University
KATO Yusuke
Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University
YAGURA Kenichiro
Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University
Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University
Yagura Kenichiro
Graduate School Of Engineering Kobe University
Diao Yiyuan
Faculty Of Engineering Kobe University
Takaki Yumi
Faculty Of Engineering Kobe University
Kato Yusuke
Faculty Of Education Kobe University
Pham Nhy
Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University
Ohta Chikara
Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University
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