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本稿では,近年のグローバリゼーションの流れの中で,国際的に関心が高まっている国際教育協力について,障害児教育分野に焦点を当てて検討した。その結果,障害児教育分野における国際教育協力は理数科教育などに比べて遅れがみられる分野であるとされてきたが,21世紀に入り,拠点システム構築事業,国際協力イニシアチブなどの政府レベルでの活動によって,その裾野が広がりつつあることが明らかにされた。特に,協働授業研究,青年海外協力隊派遣現職教員への支援及び関連情報の整備・管理において進展が認められることが指摘された。今後の方向性としては,初期条件の検討とマッチング,学校現場に密着した国際教育協力の展開,通常教育との相違点の認識,留学生受け入れ施策の強化,などの必要性が提言された。The present paper focuses on the field of special education in terms of international cooperation on education, which has been increasing in the midst of the globalization of recent years. Investigation was made of engagements made hitherto by Japan. The results showed that despite the fact that international education cooperation within special education is considered to be behind the developments in international cooperation in math and science education, as Japan entered the 21st century, activities have been performed at the government level, such as the Cooperation Bases System, International Cooperation Initiative, etc. This investigation made it clear that the scope and coverage of such governmental activities continue to broaden. The report indicated that remarkable developments can be ascertained especially in joint cooperative lesson studies, in the support for Japanese teachers working overseas who have been dispatched as Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV), and in the collection, processing, management, and communication of information concerning special education. As orientations into the future, suggestions were made regarding the necessity of such things as the development of international education cooperation that is closely linked with actual school sites, investigation of initial-period conditions and appropriate matching, increased awareness of the similarities and differences between special education and ordinary education, a strengthening of the position that welcomes overseas students for study in Japan, promotion through the cooperation of multiple countries, a raising of the awareness of persons involved with special education, and an increase of the numbers of researchers, etc.
- 2009-02-28
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