西南北海道洞爺湖東方の鮮新-更新統について : 堆積相・花粉層序・古地磁気層序
- 論文の詳細を見る
Lacustrine deposits and terrestrial volcanic products of Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene age are widely distributed in the eastern part of Toya Lake. Based on some unconformities, Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits are divided into the following major divisions: the Kitayuzawa Formation, the Rerukomabetsu Formation, the Andesite Member, the Sohbetsu pumice flow deposit and the Takinoue welded tuff, the Kimobetsu welded tuff, and the Tokushunbetsu clay member. Lower to Middle Pliocene deposits of the Kitayuzawa Formation were accumulated in two polygonal collapse sub-basins, which form the so-called Kitayuzawa basin. This basin was changed to a tectonic basin in Middle Pliocene. Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits, which are represented by the Rerukomabetsu Formation, the Andesite Member and the Tokushunbetsu clay member, were piled into the valley and the dammed lake of the Osarugawa tectonic basin. Three magnetic polarity zones, namely: the lower-predominantly reversed, the middle-normal and the upper-reversed, could be recognized on the basis of paleomagnetic analysis of the Kitayuzawa and Rerukomabetsu Formations. From bottom to the top, these polarity zones are believed to correspond to the late Gilbert reversed, the Gauss normal and the early Matuyama reversed polarity chrons, respectively. Fossil pollen assemblage of the upper part of the Kitayuzawa Formation is characterized by high concentration of Picea which indicates a cooler climate than at the present. The Rerukomabetsu Formation is divided into 9 pollen zones: RK-I〜IX in ascending order. RK-I and RK-II Zones are dominated by Taxodiaceae indicating a warmer and moister climatic condition. In RK-III Zone, Picea increases but Taxodiaceae decreases. RK-IV Zone is characterized by high concentration of Picea, the presence of Selaginella selaginoides and a variety of herbs, and thus indicates a cold dry climate. Zones RK-V, RK-VII and RK-IX show high concentration of Picea, whereas Zones RK-VI and RK-VIII show high concentration of Taxodiaceae. It indicates that climatic changes occurred repeatedly. The two pollen zones, namely: TS-I and TS-II, inside the Tokushunbetsu clay member represent climatic change from mild to cooler than the present. Based on the radiometric ages, magnetostratigraphy and pollen assemblages, RK-I and II Zones of the Rerukomabetsu Formation may be correlated to the upper part of the Horokura Sandstone-Mudstone Member of the Lower Pliocene Fukagawa Group in Central Hokkaido. The climatic change from warm-wet in Zone RK-II to the cool and cooler-dry in Zones RK-III and RK-IV may be correlated with that recognized at the boundary (which also represents the Gauss/Matuyama boundary) between the lower and upper parts of the lower part of the Ikeda Formation which belongs to the Tokachi Group in Eastern Hokkaido. The climate recorded in the Tokushunbetsu clay member is correlated to cool stage of Middle Pleistocene, detected in the upper part of the Otoebetsugawa Formation distributed in the Ishikari Lowland.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1989-09-25
八幡 正弘
五十嵐 八枝子
和田 信彦
Gautam Pitambar
八幡 正弘
和田 信彦
Gautam P
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Gautam Pitambar
Coe For Neo-science Of Natural History Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Gautam Pitambar
Hokkaido Univ.
Gautam Pitambar
Division Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
五十嵐 八枝子
五十嵐 八枝子
北大 理
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- 415 函館平野の水理地質と地下水
- Recent Advances in Research on Terrestrial and Marine sequences from the mid-Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs).
- Preface
- 北海道における火山ガラス質資源の特性
- 西北海道,虻田地域における更新世熱水活動
- 北海道における後期新生代の鉱化作用および熱水活動の時空変遷
- 2000年有珠山火山噴出物からの砒素の溶出
- 北海道, 勢多地域における熱水活動と金鉱化作用
- 317. 北海道東部における新第三紀火山岩類の時空分布とアイスランダイト
- 246. 紋別-上士幌地溝帯について
- 西南北海道北部の新生界とその特徴
- 西南北海道における中新世玄武岩(馬場川層)のK-Ar年代
- 98 西南北海道,新第三系の珪藻生層序-北桧山町・今金町付近-
- 中央北海道北東部,紋別-遠軽地域の新第三紀火山活動と構造運動
- 西南北海道東部・西胆振地域の新生界のK-Ar年代について
- Environmental magnetic approach towards the quantification of pollution in Kathmandu urban area, Nepal
- Two Metamorphic Events of the Nepal Himalayas Prior and Posterior to India-Eurasia Collision
- Magnetic-polarity stratigraphy of Siwalik Group sediments of Tinau Khola section in west central Nepal, revisited
- Magnetic Properties of some late Paleozoic to Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks of Tansen Area, Lesser Himalaya, Nepal
- On the Nature of Remanence in the 1985 Andesitic Pumice with Self-Reversed Magnetization from Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia
- 513 Remanent magnetism and fission-track ages of some rocks from the Ampipal massif, the Lasser Himalaya, Nepal
- Paleomagnetism of the Northwestern Part of the Mahabharat Synclinorium, Lesser Himalaya, Nepal
- A Paleomagnetic Reconnaissance of some late Precambrian to Early Paleozoic Rocks of Tansen Area, Lesser Himalaya, Nepal
- Magnetic minerals and magnetic properties of the Siwalik Group sediments of the Karnali river section in Nepal
- Mapping of subsurface karst structure with gamma ray and electrical resistivity profiles : a case study from Pokhara valley, central Nepal
- サロベツ原野と石狩海岸平野における自然貝殻層の^C年代 : 日本の第四紀層の^C年代(139)
- 女満別・美幌地域の水理地質--地下水盆構造と帯水層の特性
- 知られざる休廃止鉱山の鉱害対策(北海道の資源と環境)
- 石狩低地帯東縁部における中期更新世以降の造構史
- 旧幌別硫黄鉱山地域の汚濁水の性状と対策
- 置戸町常呂川流域に分布する勝山溶結凝灰岩の層準・時代の再検討
- 苫小牧東方地域の中・上部更新統--とくに厚真-鵡川付近の近陵地域
- 北見-美幌地域の地下水盆の形態と原因 : 第四紀
- 厚真川流域に分布する川端層相当層の堆積相と古流系
- 静岡県,安倍川地域の地質について
- 南部フォッサマグナ地域におけるグリンタフの下限について : 第三紀
- P-64 北海道における後期新生代の地史と熱水活動史(10. 地域地質・地域層序,ポスター発表,一般講演)
- 札幌市北方低地帯における沖積世の古気候変遷
- 2008年度秋季講習会「西南北海道の中新世熱水活動と金属鉱化作用」