- 論文の詳細を見る
In this area situated around the boundary among Fukuoka, Oita and Kumamoto prefectures, Cenozoic formations are widely distributed. Among them, the most interesting formation consists of early to middle Miocene Green tuff. However, studies on Green tuff of this area are very poor. In this paper, the author describes geology and petrography of Cenozoic formations of the area and especially discusses geological implication of Green tuff of the area. 1. Basement rocks of the Cenozoic formations are the Chikugo metamorphics which are composed of green schist, pelitic schist and psamitic schist. 2. Cenozoic formations of the area are divided into the following in asscending order; Taio group, Maetsue formation, Mazi black andesite, Shimozuru lavas, Shakadake volcanics (Hohi volcanics), Tokamidake volcanics, Oyama volcanics and Aso welded tuff. The Taio group and Maetsue formation belong to green tuff formation and Mazi volcanics is correlated to the Setouchi volcanics. Volcanic rocks from the Shakadake to Oyama volcanics are products of the Pleistocene volcanism. Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the area mostly belong to calc-alkalic series. 3. Nakatsue granite complex, which is intruded at the last stage of deposition of the Taio group, is composed of diorite, porphyrite, granite and pegmatitic rocks. 4. Geological structure of the area is characterized by EW or WNW-ESE trend, which is indicated by trends of elongation of sedimentary basins, fold axis, fault system, elongation of intrusive mass and alteration zones. Such trend, especially of green tufff formation, indicates that the area belong to the inner belt of the Southwest Japan arc. 5. In the area, five alteration zones are discriminated according to assemblages of alteration minerals. Four types of alterations are also recognized as follows; diagenetic alteration, contact alteration, by granitic rocks, alteration related to gold-silver mineralization and sulfataration related to younger volcanism. Gold-silver mineralization has finished before the eruption of the Mazi black andesite. 6. Geological development of the area, especially in early to middle Miocene, closely resembles those of the Green tuff regions of the San-in and inner belt of Northeast Japan. However it is a character of the area that the Miocene thick formations, which attain to 3000m, have deposited under nonmarine environment.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1981-05-25
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