災害時の救援技術高度化に関する研究(その2) : 神奈川県における被害発生と救助対応から見た地域特性の分析(A.被害予測と緊急対応(行政の取り組),ポスター発表)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1995, the Hanshin-Awaji great earthquake caused 6,430 people dead and the most of them was due to collapsed houses The mitigation of casualty from the earthquake has grown to become one of the most important topics in the prevention countermeasure. The casualty is related to building damage. However, not only that but also other many factors such as time, humanity characteristics, regional characteristics and rescue influence It is necessary to clarify the effect of each of them. In this research, the regional characteristic about the rescue activities from a wooden collapsed house was clarified And the estimated intensity map shows that the most dangerous zone is located in east The final subject of this study is to clarify relation between "the time" and "the probability of survival", and arrange the rescue tools effectively as the prevention countermeasure.
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