大阪層群上部の花粉化石について : 堺港のボーリングコアーを試料として
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In Kinki District, Southwest Japan, the Plio-Pleistocene series are widely distributed, namely, the Osaka group and its correlatives. The Osaka group is divided stratigraphically into three parts, the lowermost, the lower and upper parts, and of them the upper part is considered to be the deposits of the age of the First Interglacial and the 2nd Glaciation (Mindel). In this paper, the writer described the pollen fossils of a boring core which was obtained from Sakai harbour. The materials treated ranged stratigraphically from Ma 2 marine clay bed to Ma10 marine clay bed. Further, he discussed the changes of flora, paleoclimate and paleoecology of the time of the deposition of the Upper Osaka group, and pointed out the fundamental problems concerned with the interpretation of pollen diagrams. 1) The pollen zones of the Upper Osaka group were divided into the Fagus and Pinanceae Zones in ascending order, and each zone was subdivided into subzones as shown in Fig. 4. 2) The warm and humid climate beginning with Ma 3 marine clay bed was followed by the warmer and more humid climate of Ma 6 marine clay bed. After that, the deterioration of climate took place (also shown in Fig. 4). The ecological characters of the forest flora changed evolutionally in the process of climatic oscillations, and the forest zones were differentiated more clearly by repeated arrivals of the glacial stages. 3) Vegetations of the non-marine phases were reconstructed by interpreting the pollen diagram, and it was pointed out that the influence of differential floatation and deposition of pollen has to be considered in making comparative study of the pollen-analyses of sandy and clayey sediments. 4) The stratigraphical horizon and process of disappearance of Liquidambar were discussed palynologically.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1970-01-25
- 141 古琵琶湖層群から発見された足跡化石(2) : 堆積環境
- 島根県中央部,三瓶小豆原スギ埋没林とその周辺におけるおよそ3500年前の古植生
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- 582 溶岩流荷重によって発生した砕屑物ダイアピル : 佐賀県鎮西町岸本採石場における松浦玄武岩/鎮西層境界の変形
- 531 中国西南部雲南省元謀盆地の後期新生代古人類化石産出層の堆積環境と花粉分帯
- 大阪市立自然史博物館
- 138. 中国南部雲南省元謀盆地の新生代後期の哺乳動物群とその年代・環境(予報)
- 139. 中国甘粛省霊台県の鮮新統雷家河層の哺乳類動物相と古環境
- 132. 花粉分析にもとずく長野県野尻湖における過去9万年間の古植生・古気候変遷史
- 4 考古遺跡における遺構面と遺物包含層
- 日本の鮮新-更新統の植物化石による分帯
- 近畿地方の第四紀層の層序区分
- 31 沖縄本島北部の許田および宇出那覇段丘構成層から産出した植物遺体と花粉化石
- 8 近畿地方の第四紀層の年代層序区分
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- 第四紀の日本列島生物相
- 大阪層群上部の花粉化石について : 堺港のボーリングコアーを試料として
- 古琵琶湖層群下部の花粉分析
- 長野県八ケ岳山麓川上湖成層の花粉分析
- O-21 長野県野尻湖とその周辺地域における上部更新統花粉生層序と人類活動との関係について(3. 考古学への地質学の貢献,口頭発表,一般発表)