4 ダイバーシティ・マネジメントの観点からみたポジティブ・アクションとファミリー・フレンドリー施策^[○!R](MOTと21世紀の経営課題)
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This paper seeks to clarify upon the needs to incorporate positiveaction and family-friendly policies into the diversity-management strategies of companies to realize gender equality in Japan. For this study, surveys of corporations and their employees were conducted in 2004, at 352 workplaces which received the Equal Promotion Company Commendation or the Family-Friendly Company Commendation. Several notable results have been obtained from the survey. The data used were collected from 51 workplaces. As far as the companies promoting equalities were concerned, the following behaviors were observed. 1) The proactive stances assumed by some Japanese companies thus far have resulted in positive progress. 2) However, few companies have actively targeted promotion of equality in the workplace. As far as companies adopting family-friendly policies were concerned, the following behaviors were observed. 1) An imbalance with the goals of gender-equality policies has arisen in which women have far greater opportunities to improve their work-family life-style. 2) The conventional corporate culture continues to exist, which explains the low rate among male employees for of taking child care leave.
- 2005-03-30
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- 4 ダイバーシティ・マネジメントの観点からみたポジティブ・アクションとファミリー・フレンドリー施策^[○!R](MOTと21世紀の経営課題)
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